I received the following Constitution Party e-mail newsletter dated March 17, 2009. Take it for what it's worth.
While I agree with a lot of what the Constitution Party stands for, if they really want to be taken seriously as a political party, they are going to have to do something about their grammar and punctuation in their communications.
Secret Report Targets Americans
Police Told Which Political Beliefs to Consider “Dangerous”
Lancaster, PA: A secret police report targets millions of Americans as potential “domestic terrorists” if they support the Constitution, oppose unlawful taxation, supported 2008 presidential candidates Republican Ron Paul, Libertarian Bob Barr or Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin (Seen here on Lou Dobbs program ), or if they are opposed to abortion, are against unconstitutional gun control, if they display pro-Constitution bumper stickers or own copies of certain books and documentaries.
The report is part of an ongoing attempt by a number of organizations (http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/intrep.jsp) and movements to characterize law-abiding citizens as “white supremacists”, members of “hate groups” or, more recently as “terrorists”.
The report was generated by the Missouri Information Analysis Center
The Center is described as “the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri. MIAC will also fun c tion as a vehi c le for two-way c ommuni c ation between federal, state and lo c al law enfor c ement c ommunity within our region.”
The se c ret report, distributed to Missouri law enfor c ement, lists as dangerous legitimate organizations in c luding those who follow a Constitutionally-based ideology in regard to states’ rights, firearm ownership, free spee c h and san c tity of life.
The Constitution Party , the fastest- growing third party, subscribes to the Constitutionally- based, limited role of the federal government and calls on members of all political ideologies to voice strong opposition to smear campaigns that demonize Americans because of their political beliefs.
The Constitution Party made numerous c alls to MIAC and was told an “offi c er” would respond to questions regarding this report.
No one at MIAC returned our c alls.
The MIAC report states “rightwing” militia movements “ c ontinuously exploit world events in order to in c rease parti c ipation in their movements. Due to the c urrent e c onomi c al and politi c al situation, a lush environment for militia a c tivity has been c reated.”
The terms “ c onstitutionalist” and “white suprema c ist” are often used inter c hangeably.
Page 7 of the report warns law enforcement that “militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional [sic] Party, Campaign for Liberty or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former presidential candidate:[sic] Ron Paul Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr.”
Issues of c on c ern to those listed by MIAC as reason for law enfor c ement to label them “terrorists” in c lude: Opposition to illegal immigration, implementation of RFID (radio frequen c y identifi c ation) and the planned merger of the US, Canada and Mexi c o (North Ameri c an Union). The so- c alled “militia movement” c ontains people who own c opies of the late Aaron Russo’s anti-tax do c umentary Ameri c a: Freedom to Fas c ism.
Members of a so- c alled “patriot movement” are des c ribed as being “dangerous” to poli c e in a se c tion of the report titled “You Are the Enemy” whi c h states:
“The militia subs c ribes to an anti-government and NWO mindset, whi c h c reates a threat to law enfor c ement offi c ers. They view the military, National Guard, and law enfor c ement as a for c e that will c onfis c ate their firearms and pla c e them in FEMA c on c entration c amps.”
The MIAC report distributed to Missouri law enfor c ement is a more virulent version of a similar report c ompiled by the FBI in Phoenix, AZ during the Clinton administration (see page one and page two of the do c ument). The Phoenix FBI do c ument c alls “defenders” of the Constitution “right-wing extremists.”
Constitution Party 2008 presidential and vi c e presidential c andidates Chu c k Baldwin and Darrell Castle, along with CP National Chairman Jim Clymer, are available to dis c uss this disturbing report and the severe limitations it seeks to impose on free speech.
Inquiries regarding this se c ret report may be made to: MIAC at 866 362 6422.
To see where c itizens are en c ouraged to submit a report that someone c ould be a “terrorist” c li c k HERE.
Take Action Now!
1. Call the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce and say you will not be visiting Missouri out of concern of being PROFILED.
(314) 231-55552. Call the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission and tell them you won't visit Missouri because of "political profiling". (800) 325-79623. Call the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) and tell them their smear campaign is not acceptable.(866) 362-6422 and (573)-526-6115
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